Two Corrugated steel pipe arches for the Pingshuo Anjialing Coal Transportation System

Time: Jan 02, 2024

Crushing Repair project in Shuozhou City, Shanxi Province. The structure has a span of 9.0m, a rise height of 6.06m, a longitudinal length of 60m, and a filling height of 8m. The road surface is designed with a truck load of 600 tons, and is reinforced with an inverted corrugated steel plate structure. The overall maximum settlement value of the project is as high as 114cm, and the longitudinal uneven settlement is as high as 45cm. After monitoring the construction process and the one-year operation phase after the construction process, the overall settlement of the structure is basically stable, and the relative deformation value of the structure is far less than the specifications, indicating that the structure is in a safe operating state.