Application In Railway Construction Projection

Why we are so careful on railway projection?

Corrugated metal culvert is application widely in highway construction projection, also, we also have lots of corrugated steel structure is applied in railway construction projections. But it is fewer than highway projection because the railway projection has difference request on the culvert with the highway projections.

Most of our corrugated steel structure are used for shed tunnel and hangar tunnel in railway constructions, that means the train will not pass on the top of the corrugated steel structure, the train will pass under the corrugated steel structure.

In another words, the corrugated structure only consider the pressure from its top is OK, no need consider the live load of the train. So it is easy for calculation and similar to the highway projection.

We also have some projections which adopt the corrugated steel structure to be culvert in the subgrade. Then we have to consider the live load of train. By now, our biggest diameter culvert for the railway projection is 5m, and we are trying to make it bigger, but it will take time

Why we are so careful on railway projection?

Most customer asks why are you so careful on application of the corrugated steel structure in railway projection? The answer is that, the railway projection has much more strict request on the culvert strength calculation. For highway projection, the highway is allowed to have some deformation, and it is easy to control on the corrugated steel structure when we filling back. But railway projection, it nearly does not any deformation, so there is a high request on the strength of corrugated steel structure.

And by now, most of our corrugated steel structure is used for tunnel on the railway projections, some are used for culvert on railway projections but in small diameter.


Corrugated Steel Pipe Arch for Railway Tunnel

Corrugated Steel Pipe Arch for Railway Tunnel

  • Section Size: Span 8m, Rise 6.5m
  • Corrugation: 381X140mm
  • Steel Thickness: 7mm
  • Culvert Length: 30-40m
  • Filling Height: 2-3m

Corrugated Steel Brige for Railway Projection

Corrugated Steel Brige for Railway Projection

  • Section Size: Span 10m, Rise 5m
  • Corrugation: 381X140mm
  • Steel Thickness: 7.75mm
  • Culvert Length: 30-40m
  • Filling Height: 2-3m

Large Span Corrugated Steel Interchange Passage for Railway Projection

Large Span Corrugated Steel Interchange Passage for Railway Projection

  • Section Size: Span 15m, Rise 8m
  • Corrugation: 381X140mm
  • Steel Thickness: 7mm (reinforce type)
  • Culvert Length: 25m

Corrugated Steel Tunnel Liner Reinforce Railway Tunnel

Corrugated Steel Tunnel Liner Reinforce Railway Tunnel

  • Section Size: Span 12.5m, Rise 8.1m
  • Corrugation: 300X110mm
  • Steel Thickness: 6mm
  • Culvert Length: 1378m