Applications of Corrugated Steel Culvert Pipe

When we hear the name of corrugated metal culvert pipe, most of people will think this is a pipe. But that is a wrong understanding about this product. In fact, this is a steel structure which is combined by corrugated steel plate. each elements are connected and fixed by bolts and nuts. After producing, they are only steel plates with corrugation and arc. But after assemble, it can be difference size, difference shape and for difference applications.Its main application is culvert for highway construction, so we call it corrugated steel culvert pipe, but it does not mean it is a pipe, it is a structure.

I will introduce some other applications of the corrugated metal culvert pipe.

- YONGXI Applications of Corrugated Steel Culvert Pipe

Application in mining projections.

Sure, if a mining projection, they will construct road, it will use big quantity of the corrugated metal culvert pipe, but they also use the corrugated metal culvert pipe for other application, like the protection shell for the conveyor. On a minging projection, there are mining caves for conveyor to delivery the minerals out of the cave, some parts of the conveyor is in the cave, some is out of the cave. In the cave, the corrugated metal culvert can be the wall, out of the cave, the corrugated metal culvert can be a protection shell to prevent the falling stone break on the conveyor.

Application in municipal projections.

For municipal construction, the corrugated metal culvert pipe can be used as sewer pipe. By now, because the corrugated metal culvert pipe is a little higher cost than the plastic sewer pipe, so it is not popular in for city sewer pipe. But this is a good choice for the Utility tunnel. The utility tunnel is a underground space for putting in the electric lines, sewer pipes, steam pipes, gas pipes, and all of necessary urban facilities. All of maintenance and repair can be done in the utility tunnel. It need big cross section and with enough strength to bearing the load from the ground and filling back soil. So corrugated steel culvert pipe is a good material for utility tunnel.

Application in sponge city construction

Many country have an conception that to construct the cities like a sponge, when the rain season, the city can store rainwater, and when the dry season, we can take the water out for our live, like irrigation, etc. This is called sponge city. Then corrugated metal culvert pipe is a good performance for this conception. It can be a tank for water store, also it can be pipe for water delivery, also it can be a water leak well. All of these functions of sponge city can be achieved by corrugated metal culvert pipe, so it is easy to design with all consideration of the system.

Application for water tank

Many country, they prepare water tank for people drink, live. The corrugated metal culvert pipe can be a water tank. It is easy to transport, and easy to assemble to be a tank. After that, we put a liner inside of the tank. Sure, the tank with a cover, it is also made by corrugated steel culvert pipe. In America, Africa, Southeast Asia, there are lots of corrugated steel tanks.

Application in army projections

The corrugated steel culvert pipe is designed to be a hangar, tank depot, bullet warehouse, harbor, etc. This is also because the corrugated steel culvert pipe can make in difference cross shape and big span, then it can be applied as a warehouse for the big weapons of army, also it can be a warehouse for guns and bullet, it can be buried underground, so it is with a good invisibility. After strength calculation and anti condensation water treatment, it is a good choice for the army projection. Even some country happen wars, the people buy the corrugated metal culvert pipe to be a harbor, sure we will design the corrugated pipe has all function as a harbor.

The corrugated steel culvert pipe is a assembled corrugated steel structure.there is lots of application, some of the applications, we had known, but there are lots of application are still waiting for us to find and develop.