Corrugated Steel Culvert Design

We know there are lots of corrugation size on the corrugated steel culvert. Why we have so many of corrugation size for the corrugated steel culvert, and which corrugation is we need?

I introduce the corrugation types as below

TThe most popular corrugation size are 68X13mm, 152X51mm, 200X55mm, 381X140mm, 178X45mm, And we also have some other corrugation like 230X64mm, 300X110mm, 400X150mm, 175X65mm. Also there are some other corrugation which is not adopted often, like 125X25mm and 100X20mm.

Firstly, let me introduce the popular corrugation

68X13mm corrugation is the smallest corrugation, it is welcome in Africa. It can only be used in diameter from 600mm to 1500mm, if the diameter is bigger, this corrugation is too small and soft.

152X51 and 381X140mm, it is popular in America, because it is from the America standard. They are both have big strength, suit to the big diameter. Sure the 381X140mm is stronger than 152X51mm.

200X55mm is popular in Europe and China. Most projects adopted these two corrugation, sure if large span, we also consider 381X140mm.

FThen is the corrugation which we can produce, but not popular

Corrugation 230X61mm, 300X110mm, is adopted widely in China, because they have strong strength , it can be instead of 200X55mm, we can produce it, and when we make design, we prefer suggest this corrugation, then fewer competitor for us. About the corrugation 175X65mm, it is exclusive in China, only we can produce it, this corrugation size is we design as per most of Chinese projection, this corrugation size can suit for almost whole china market. 400X150mm is a big size corrugation, but not popular in world, it is only adopted in Russia and Korea

Finally is the corrugation which is not used normally.

125X25mm corrugation is a special corrugation for helical corrugated pipe, because it is not economic for shipping, so only few local project use it, but now, few of factory can produce the assemble type in this corrugation, but still not a popular corrugation. About 100X20mm, only can be seen in few bid, and in China no factory can produce this corrugation.

Selection of the corrugation and thickness

When we get a project and make design for its culvert, we have to know the backfilling height and the live load, and as per the application, we make sure the diameter firstly, then calculate the bearing capacity to meet the filling back height and live load. Sure big corrugation size and thicker plate with a bigger strength.